Membership Application

Annual Membership Dues are $100.00 per couple or $50.00 for a single membership per year.  For a couple or single joining part way through the dance season, the dues will be prorated at $16.67/dance for couples and $8.33/single per remaining dances.

The Stardust Dance Club dance schedule is shown on the Dance Schedule Page of this web site.  Please be aware that Stardust Dance Club is a dinner and dance club, attending a dance without the meal is not offered.  Cost for members attending a dance is $125.00/couple per dance.  Single members are $62.50 per dance.

Each dance will have its own flyer with a reservation form.  You will be emailed the flyer or you can access on this website when the flyer is available.

Please submit this membership application.  We will send a membership form to you to fill out and return by mail with your payment.